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Interested in joining the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce?

Please feel free to DOWNLOAD an application for membership and fax, mail or bring it in to the Chamber offices located at 145 Central Avenue in downtown Coos Bay. And be sure to check out a few of the great benefits of membership with us below OR fill our online application clicking the button below.

See what your Friends and Local Business Think

Why belong to the Chamber? TEAM—Together we Each Achieve More. A unified effort for all business development regardless of what type creates a synergistic effect for the total business community. The Chamber through a unified approach to business related problems helps all businesses progress.

Here are a few ideas/bullets:

  1. Unified voice for business/industry in the area
  2. Business and social networking
  3. Promotion of economic development in the area
  4. Wide range of committees to get involved in
  5. Increased awareness of your business/industry and their concerns/issues
  6. Better than the newspaper or TV news for getting up-to-date, “straight from the horse’s mouth”, “behind the scenes” information on current events
  7. Great outlet to get more involved in your community and help make this an economically vibrant area again.

Why am I a member of the chamber? I think that the first thing that comes to mind is exposure. Where else – apart from a street corner – can you openly talk about your business and not have things thrown at you. The second reason is the ability to talk to other business owners and compare all aspects of running a business. As a newcomer to the area (7 years ago) I was instantly welcomed and introduced to the Chamber.
The values of the chamber seem to be never ending. The advertising element alone makes the fees redundant. Anyone that has had quotes on advertising knows that the renewal fees don’t even come close.

Here are some of my thoughts;
To be able to interact with other business owners & glean information from them on good business practices that work for them & to share mine in response.
To promote our own businesses.
Advertising & promotions opportunities available only to members.
The help we receive to stay abreast of governmental affairs that effect our community.

Value of the Chamber to Me

Be part of something with momentum.
Connect with other business people who have common goals for the community.
Chambers of Commerce are recognized and respected throughout the nation.
Help make a better business community.
Be accountable as a business person within our community.
Help promote the community.
Help promote my own business.
Enjoy getting together with business people.
Provide influence and support for business.

I am a chamber member for the benefit of networking with my target market directly. Most of the people who are chamber members are also the type of customers that we appeal to. The other reason is giving back to the community. We rely on the community for our needs and our livings, therefore, we must give back to those that have given us so much.